by Pastor_Phillips | Apr 11, 2020 | Pastor's Page
Regardless of where we might be this day, Sunday is the day we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Hope of all mankind rests in this event. This is the most celebrated of all Holy Days and yet this year it will be celebrated...
by Pastor_Phillips | Apr 5, 2020 | Pastor's Page
Our Lord knows what He is allowing to go on this world today, and nothing goes on without His caring for His own. Cling to Proverbs 3:5, 6 and His promises to us. May we be faithful witnesses and ambassadors in this trying time. Christians respond different from the...
by Pastor_Phillips | Apr 5, 2020 | Pastor's Page
I miss seeing you each week and trust that Coronavirus will soon be under control and we will be able to assemble again. In the meantime, EASTER SUNDAY is next week and for the first time ever that I can recall will the churches everywhere not be able to gather to...
by Pastor_Phillips | Apr 5, 2020 | Pastor's Page
I appreciate Bro. Ron Fuller and Bro. Mark Bateman meeting each week to record the message and send it out on line, YouTube. A new Computer has been purchased and installed which is much faster and will allow better streaming. You will notice the new format from...
by calvarywp | Feb 29, 2020 | Pastor's Page
2 Timothy 3:10-17 You and I know there are many people in the world who reject the Bible’s authority. But have you considered that some of them are Christians? Many believers unwittingly do this when they choose which parts of the Bible to believe and which...
by Pastor_Phillips | Feb 29, 2020 | Pastor's Page
On World Missions Day 2020 (Feb. 23) at 8 a.m., a new BMAA Missions broadcast had its beginning. Hosted by Yalanda Merrell, the monthly show is called and features BMA missionaries and what they are doing around the world. An extension...
by Pastor_Phillips | Feb 15, 2020 | Pastor's Page
Job 1:6-22, Job 2:1-10 Imagine what it felt like to be in Job’s shoes. Warriors, fire, and wind wiped out his fortune and killed his children. Then, his body was so covered with boils that he scratched at the inflamed skin with broken pottery. Had Job not...
by Pastor_Phillips | Nov 24, 2019 | Pastor's Page
Thursday is Thanksgiving Day and a special time to give thanks to the Heavenly Father who has blessed us with blessings beyond measure. Our families, our home and our friends and church. God is so Good…all the time! There will be many who will not or do not...
by Pastor_Phillips | Oct 12, 2019 | Pastor's Page
What does it mean? Defined: obligation, vow, promise, pledge These are words that tell the truth about one’s heart. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:1,2: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a...
by Pastor_Phillips | Aug 3, 2019 | Pastor's Page
The fact that you have lived seventy or eighty years means that you have some advantages that should help you in helping others. It means you have experiences and hopefully you have acquired some wisdom as well. Your family and friends may love you and...