Regardless of where we might be this day, Sunday is the day we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Hope of all mankind rests in this event. This is the most celebrated of all Holy Days and yet this year it will be celebrated differently from ever before. Someone posted this phrase: The church building may be empty but so is the Tomb! Christ lives!
Even thought we cannot come together in a time of corporate or public worship, we come together in hearts and minds to bring honor and praise to Jesus. Praise God for His giving His life on Calvary in death so that we could have forgiveness of sin, but praise Him for not staying in that grave, praise Him for coming forth from the dead, the tomb, to prove His power over death and the grave. What a wonderful time for each of us to sound forth His life and His Hope for all the world who will trust and believe Him.
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Jesus Christ is not found among the dead of the world, but of the living of those who have eternal life found in Him. The witness to the world in “eternal life” through resurrected Jesus Christ.